Yacchi's Return! | My apologies. on 23 November, 2011
So I know I said I was going to post all last week and this week, but then I realized that this week was Thanksgiving week and honestly, I had been waiting for an excuse to take a break from this blog. Why? Read on and you'll find out why I disappeared so abruptly.

Again, I apologize for my random disappearance, but I felt that I needed to disappear from this blog for a while and collect my thoughts. Every once in a while, I find myself losing motivation for the sites/blogs I work on and suddenly, I just felt iffy about this blog. I feel bad for it, so I stepped back for a week or so and just relaxed. I decided that I needed to change how I did this blog and change it in a way that completely satisfies me and doesn't just satisfy me momentarily.

That being said, I'm remaking the blog's layout, revamping the schedule and hopefully getting a different path with this blog.

Oh, happy thanksgiving to every one.

And now I'm off to create a new layout....well, edit this one or something.

Until next time~

PS: I'll be posting the posts I have saved in the drafts, later on.

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