– Weekly Recap | 11.05 - 11.12 on 13 November, 2011
It's been a looong day and an even longer week. I feel that although this blog is relatively new, I did a decent job of breaking it in. Hopefully, I stick to the schedule that I've set for myself and this blog (it's located on the sidebar for you all to view as well).
Since, it's been such a hectic week and I'm pretty sure that reading long posts don't really satisfy your needs, how about a nice little summary to wrap up the week as well as a preview of what will be done for this coming week?
Sounds good? Well then....LGI; Let's get it, lego.
Saturday — 11.05.2011;
Saturday is the blog's first real post and immediately set the blog in the direction of where I needed it to be. A VLOG was posted and it was basically a mini haul/review/recommendation of products that I had purchased on Friday and other times during the week. There wasn't much to this post since most of it was said within the VLOG and restating it would have been horribly redundant and no likes redundancy.
Tuesday — 11.08.2011;
Although Saturday was the day this blog began, Tuesday was the day I really started getting serious about blogging here. It was at this point that I began talking about a schedule I had in mind for VLOGGING and posted a FOTD, a VLOG, and a review. It was at this point that the blog officially began.
Thursday — 11.10.2011;
I missed a day of blogging (Wednesday) due to the fact that my Wednesday VLOG was trouble to deal with because the software I was using to edit it, kept crashing during the process. Wednesday was honestly a godawful day, but Thursday managed to be less crappy than WEdnesday because I was finally able to post my Wednesday VLOG. The bad part? Thursday's VLOG couldn't be posted because the sound from the video wasn't captured by my mic. Pooie. To make for that, I did post both Wednesday's and Thrusday's FOTD as well a picture of my good mates, NIL and Hyunnie.
— 11.11.2011;
Friday was a productive day for both this blog and I. I introduced a new feature on my blog that I like to call Rant, Rave, Review Fridays which is basically a post made every Friday in which I talk about what made me rant, what made me rave in excitement and review a product or product that I am using or have used previously. Since this specific segment had three parts to it, it was a pretty long post. Not to mention I reviewed three different products. All in all, I say it was a good day.
Saturday — 11.12.2011;
Since Saturdays are what I consider my off days, I just happen to post whatever is interesting me for that day in the Health & Beauty world. On this day, it just so happened to be Nail Lacquers. It's in this post you get to see just how much of a love for nail lacquers I have and a bit of spastic/fangirl side when it comes to said lacquers.
And that my dears was the opening week of the blog summed up in a way that short and to the point. Much better than reading long posts, yeah?
For next week, they'll be a lot of lipstick and lip gloss loving and a pretty decent haul set up. All VLOGS should be up at their appropriate times and dates and posts will still be as long as ever.
I can guarentee that Monday's and Friday's posts will be the longest. Especially Monday's.
Hyunnie and I went out today and it was ahmazing, so of course they'll be a lot to say on that.
Until next time~ ♥
PS: Before I go, Balderdashinn is having a giveaway where you can $80 worth of products from whichever brand you choose from (ELF, Shiseido, Maybelline, Cover Girl, Sleek Makeup, MAC Cosmetics, Skin Food, etcetera). It's definitely worth checking out. Either click the link above or click the picture below.
Hurry up and join this giveaway before time runs out! |
Labels: Giveaway Posts (Entries), Weekly Recap
Posted by; YASUHIRO — Posted at; 23:41 — Leave a comment / (0) comments — Permalink